Indirect costs Wikipedia

What is indirect cost

Indirect costs do not vary substantially within certain production volumes or other indicators of activities, and so are considered to be fixed costs. Commercial (for-profit) organizations usually treat “fringe benefits” as indirect costs. These fringe benefits are applied to direct salaries charged to projects either through a fringe benefit rate or as part of an overhead/indirect cost rate.

What is indirect cost

This category can include software, equipment and raw materials. It can also include labor, assuming the labor is specific to the product, department or project. Direct costs represent the money that goes into creating and delivering products or services to customers. Indirect costs are all the other background expenses involved with running the business.

Costs usually charged directly

Fixed costs are expenses that are the same regardless of how many goods or services you produce. Indirect costs extend beyond the expenses you incur when creating a product; they include the costs involved with maintaining and running a company. These overhead costs are the ones left over after direct costs have been computed. You can reduce other indirect costs, like advertising, by engaging customers through social media or using other inexpensive marketing ideas. Smartphone hardware, for example, is a direct, variable cost because its production depends on the number of units ordered.

What is indirect cost

You can use the indirect rate calculation to price your products. You want your offerings to generate enough money to cover your expenses. By considering your indirect and direct expenses, you can determine a reasonable cost for your products or services so you don’t underprice.

Costs usually allocated indirectly

Fixed indirect costs include expenses such as rent; variable indirect costs include fluctuating expenses such as electricity and gas. It is possible to justify the handling of almost any kind of cost as either direct or indirect. Labor costs, for example, can be indirect, as in the case of maintenance personnel and executive officers; or they can be direct, as in the case of project staff members. Similarly, materials such as miscellaneous supplies purchased in bulk—pencils, pens, paper—are typically handled as indirect costs, while materials required for specific projects are charged as direct costs. Indirect expenses, or overhead costs, are expenses that apply to more than one business activity.

  1. Expenses like office supplies can vary from provider to provider, so see if there are others who are less expensive.
  2. The materials and supplies needed for a company’s day-to-day operations – such as computers, electricity and rent – are examples of indirect costs.
  3. Instead, indirect costs are needed to operate the business as a whole.
  4. This list is only a summary; a comprehensive list can be found at the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards issued by the Office of Management and Budget.

An indirect cost is any cost not directly identified with a single, final cost objective, but identified with two or more final cost objectives or an intermediate cost objective. After direct costs have been determined and charged directly to the contract or other work, indirect costs are those remaining to be allocated to the several cost objectives. An indirect cost shall not be allocated to a final cost objective if other costs incurred for the same purpose in like circumstances have been included as a direct cost of that or any other final cost objective.

Direct Costs vs. Indirect Costs: What Are They, and How Are They Different?

A notable exception is direct labor costs, which usually remain constant throughout the year. Typically, an employee’s wages do not increase or decrease in direct relation to the number of products produced. Labor and direct materials constitute the majority of direct costs. For example, to create a product, an appliance-maker requires steel, electronic components and other raw materials. Two popular ways of tracking these costs, depending on when your company uses materials in production, are first-in, first-out and last-in, first-out, also known as FIFO and LIFO. LIFO can be helpful if the costs of your materials fluctuate in the course of production.

What is the difference between indirect and direct costs?

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Indirect costs incurred in manufacturing operations are known as manufacturing overhead, while indirect costs incurred in the general and administrative area are known as administrative overhead. What is considered an indirect cost for one company might be considered a direct cost for another. And, one employee’s salary might be an indirect cost while another’s is a direct cost. For example, an employee on an assembly line receives wages that are considered direct costs. But an employee who works as a secretary in the same company would receive wages that are considered indirect expenses. Indirect expenses aren’t the only costs you will have at your business.

Accounting software

These are those costs which are not directly related to production. Some indirect costs may be overhead, but other overhead costs can be directly attributed to a project and are direct costs. You can allocate indirect costs by taking your total indirect expenses and dividing them by some sort of allocation measure, like direct labor expenses, direct machine costs, or direct material costs. Unlike indirect costs, you do not divide direct costs among different departments or projects.

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