Understanding The Basics Of Infinite Banking With Whole Life Insurance

In truth, this concept is not easy to grasp because it requires a paradigm shift in the way you view money. However, for those who stick with it, the rewards are nothing short of life changing. Further, it offers guarantees and is backed by some of the most financially sound companies in the world. For many people who are just getting by this can be prohibitive and it precludes many from ever attempting this awesome strategy. Think about what the long term implications of not being taxed on your entire cash value accumulation will be.

  • With a whole life insurance policy, after the policyholder is gone, the beneficiaries of the policy will receive a guaranteed amount of money.
  • It is truly amazing compound interest growth over the long haul, and why whole life insurance is the best vehicle to use when practicing infinite banking.
  • When the policyholder dies, the payout from the whole life insurance policy can go to the beneficiaries and allow them to bank on themselves.
  • Whole life insurance policies come with a cash surrender value, also known as cash value.
  • So, if you are faced with some financial strife, your cash value may be sheltered from creditors.
  • Rates on the loan may be lower than other types of loans because the insurance company knows it can take the collateral quickly and easily if you don’t make payments.

Most critiques will claim they are critiquing infinite banking but will actually be critiquing whole life insurance. By taking a loan from you as opposed to a traditional lender, the borrower can save thousands of dollars in interest over the life of the loan. (Just be sure to charge them the same rate of interest that you have to pay back to yourself. Otherwise, you’ll take a financial hit).

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When you pay cash, you lose all the interest you could have earned on that money! What if there was a better way to purchase things that actually made you a profit? In this lesson, you will learn how powerful it is to always have your money working for you. I bought a policy and am practicing the techniques described in this book and can’t be happier with the results. Jeff Long is trying to give people the tools and knowledge necessary to create passive income and find yourself living a better life that is on your terms. The small charge for this book is nothing compared to the value of the information in it.

infinite banking

If you wanted to borrow money, if you can afford to spend $2,000 on insurance, you probably are a highly qualified borrower and can get top tier rates. Maybe even better than what your insurance company would charge to borrower from your whole life policy. This is an example of a really poorly structured whole life insurance policy, but I think it illustrates what can happen very well. You spend a lot of money on insurance, and you don’t get the benefits promised by an insurance sales person.

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Let’s think about this concept with other assets such as with your 401 or IRA. You can request a policy loan from your insurer and funds will be made available to you. No one wants to rely on financial institutions more than necessary, and having control of my money sounds amazing. This information is coming to you based on the experience and expertise in supporting people to build real independent wealth and freedom for over 5 years.

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Fortunately, you can complete most banking tasks online—even opening your account, in many cases. That means you don’t need to make trips to a branch or print and sign paper forms. It’s all handled digitally, and once your account is open, you can transfer funds and pay bills online.

When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. This reader has been paying his policy for 79 months – so he’s paid a total of $156,634 for this policy.


The annual dividends, while not always guaranteed will add to the cash flow of your whole life insurance. The first step you’ll need to take is finding a whole life insurance company that meets your specific needs and goals. With a Universal Life policy, your assets would no longer qualify as non-correlated which I previously discussed when looking at assets in your whole life insurance policy. If you are in the business growing your financial wealth in more conservative and thinking about your long-term plan while wanting guarantees and who doesn’t, then infinite banking may be the better choice for you.

  • With Infinite Banking using properly structured whole life insurance, your returns are guaranteed and your cash value won’t decrease.
  • You can even use your insurance policy to pay yourself an income for any reason needed.
  • So long as banks set the interest rates and loan terms, individuals didn’t have control over their own wealth.
  • Whether it be for your child’s education, for a downpayment on a house, or medical expenses, borrowing for yourself and being your own bank, allows you the financial freedom and control of your money.

Many radio entertainers claim that whole life insurance is a bad investment. However, they are also sponsored by term life insurance providers, which could be seen as a conflict of interest. The reason many see it as a scam is because they think it sounds too good to be true.

Role Whole Life Insurance Plays In Infinite Banking

Today I am going to talk to you about the benefits of Infinite banking through a whole life insurance policy. Conventional retirement planning is setting many Americans up for failure. The goal of most financial plans is to help you generate the largest nest egg, where the true goal should be to generate the highest amount of passive income to live on. In this lesson, you will learn why the policy is one of the best places to draw the highest amount of passive income during your golden years, and why the conventional retirement advice is built on faulty premises. The more you put in or ‘jumpstart’ the higher the commission the agent gets…so yeah they would say that. I would put any extra money in a regular investing account instead.

  • However, with Whole Life insurance’s guaranteed annual cash value growth, it provides a more stable way to manage your finances in a world that does not always offer that stability.
  • The chart below does a great job at summarizing the features of whole life insurance vs universal life insurance.
  • Depending on your medical history and pre-existing conditions, you may not qualify for a permanent life insurance policy at all.
  • Find out how you can get started with Real Estate Winners by clicking here.
  • This process uses dividend-paying whole life policies as the vehicle for your savings.
  • In just 1 hour, you will learn and walk away with the knowledge you need to make, use, and multiply your money as your own banker.

Infinite banking is a viable concept that offers a variety of benefits. Here are some of the pros of this unique, personal finance banking system. Once your policy converts into a Modified Endowment Contract, cash contributions and cash gains on that account become taxable income. If you take a distribution against your account before the age of 59 ½, you’ll also have to pay a 10% penalty. The IRS has imposed the MEC rule as a way to prevent people from skirting tax obligations. By adding a PUAR to your whole life insurance policy, you front load it to maximize its potential over the course of your lifetime.

As long as premiums are paid on your whole life insurance policy, there will always be a payout to the policyholder. The duplication process happens by lending and repayment of money that is typically held in the cash value of a permanent life insurance policy. One of the many benefits of a whole life insurance policy is that policyholders are able to borrow money using the cash value of their policy. The truth is, cash value inside a life insurance policy is already included in the death benefit. Cash value, by definition, is the portion of the death benefit that is able to be liquidated at any given time.

What Listeners Say About Infinite Banking Concept

We cannot stress enough the importance of having your money stored in a safe environment, free from the ups and downs of the stock market or real estate market. However, infinite banking is not a product, but a concept that USES life insurance. Contact Physicians Thrivenow for more information about life insurance, disability insurance, and planning for retirement. If you’re looking to build significant wealth, infinite banking can serve as yet another profitable investment in your future.

infinite banking

I will discuss both below to help you better understand and make an informed decision around how to best utilize an infinite banking system through your whole life insurance that works for you and your family. This case study does include dividends being paid out through the whole life insurance which is not always a guarantee, however earlier I discussed the best companies that pay out dividends each year. Now that we better understand the crucial role whole life insurance plays in creating an infinite banking system, let’s see how this plays out in an actual real-life policy. With a whole life insurance policy, after the policyholder is gone, the beneficiaries of the policy will receive a guaranteed amount of money. Students can learn how to use the cash value of whole life insurance policies to fund whatever it is that is needed for themselves or family. While Nash coined the term infinite banking, the concept of using whole life insurance as a means to build wealth wasn’t necessarily a new concept in the 1980s.

If you use a participating whole life insurance policy for Infinite Banking, your cash value increases every time the insurance company pays dividends. It also increases when you pay policy premiums and earns a guaranteed interest rate. The infinite banking strategy was formulated by Nelson Nash, a life insurance agent for 35 years, and author of Becoming Your Own Banker. This process uses dividend-paying whole life policies as the vehicle for your savings. By using whole life insurance, your savings are guaranteed to grow tax-free and also participate in the profits of the insurance company through a dividend .

You can even use your insurance policy to pay yourself an income if you decide to go on sabbatical, return to school or take time off work to care for loved ones. You can use the interest and dividends you’ve earned without paying taxes on that money. Comparatively, if you withdraw your cash value, any amount over your basis—the amount you’ve contributed in insurance premiums—will be taxed.

There are many states that provide creditor protection for life insurance. Now we just mentioned above one reason whole life is the best vehicle for infinite banking. Overtime, thanks to an increasing death benefit, your policy’s value will increase as you age. Protect your finances with own-occupation, specialty-specific disability insurance.

For example, a 25-year-old man takes out a life insurance policy for the term of 20 years. He is in excellent health and does not have a high-risk occupation. Therefore, his monthly payments are set to a low amount of $15 dollars per month. But remember, if we’re looking at this through the lens of infinite banking, you’re getting life insurance AND a bank account. By completing a questionnaire or requesting information from insuranceandestates.com, you consent and expect to be contacted by a licensed insurance agent via phone, email, text or direct mail. Insuranceandestates.com will not sell your information to a third party. Any health or personal information shared is protected by applicable HIPAA privacy laws and regulations.

More Expensive Is Whole Life Insurance

However, it is not always considered the norm or easiest way to finance such as 401K or IRA financial plans are often viewed. Infinite Banking is a proven concept for growing and protecting generational wealth. For now, let’s focus on the qualifications needed for whole life insurance.

infinite banking

I would suggest doing both and have your money working for you in 2 places. Because of the way whole life insurance is structured, the fees are different. Understanding how the fee structure works within the Infinite Banking Concept and whole life policies will help you better make the decision about fees and whether Infinite Banking is right for you. We’ll cover the five biggest myths of infinite banking next but there are some advantages and disadvantages of the concept you should understand.

The cash value is what you’re able to take your policy loan from, which can be utilized as needed to cover unexpected expenses or to help generate passive income and, ideally, achieve financial freedom. As Nash famously taught, the equity, or cash value specific to whole life insurance policies serve as collateral for all policy loans.

How To Maximize Your Wealth From Infinite Banking

The result is that over your lifetime you have increased your financial assets through your policy. Each time you loan your money from your policy to yourself, your family, your business, etc, you are charging interest. Because whole life insurance is liquid, it serves as a valuable part of your financial foundation, acting as your emergency savings if you will. This is not to say you can’t or shouldn’t have assets tied to the stock market.

infinite banking

Out of this thought, Nash developed the idea of individuals becoming their own bankers to better achieve their own unique, individual financial goals. Real estate has long been the go-to investment for those looking to build long-term wealth for generations. Let us help you navigate this asset class by signing up for our comprehensive real estate investing guide. Now that we have discussed all the details of Infinite Banking, let’s get you started on creating your own Infinite banking system using your whole life insurance policy. A Paid-Up Additions Rider for example allows the policy owner to purchase more death benefits and increase the policy’s cash value growth. One way to maximize the already guaranteed cash value that whole life insurance policies provide is by including riders in your policy.

At the time Nash was struggling to meet high-interest rates on loans that he had taken out with traditional banks. In our situation above, our reader would pay just $115/mo for $1.5 million in term life insurance (in a worst case – in a best case this could be as low as $40/mo). Compare that to his current whole life insurance premium of $1,982.72.

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