Accounting articles

Bookkeeping Vs Accounting

Sales ledger, which deals mostly with the accounts receivable account. This ledger consists of the records of the financial transactions made by customers to the business. A bookkeeper is responsible for identifying the accounts in which transactions... Read more

Balance Sheet Definition

Income statements include revenue, costs of goods sold, andoperating expenses, along with the resulting net income or loss for that period. The foundation of the balance sheet lies in the accounting equation where assets, on one side, equal equity pl... Read more

Debits And Credits

Understand these critical pieces of notation by exploring the definitions and purposes of debits and credits and how they help form the basics of double-entry accounting. Accounting is a rule-based system that requires memorization of the debits and... Read more

Amortization Schedule

The IRS allows businesses to take several accelerated depreciation deductions for tangible business assets and some improvements. These special options aren't available for the amortization of intangibles. Negative amortization is actually a feature... Read more

Leverage Ratio Definition

An investor who buys a stock on 50% margin will lose 40% if the stock declines 20%.; also in this case the involved subject might be unable to refund the incurred significant total loss. In this ratio, operating leases are capitalized and equity incl... Read more

Difference Between Accrual And Deferral

Deferrals, on the other hand, are often related to an expense that is paid in one period but is not recorded until a different period. Both accrual and deferral entries are very important for a company to give a true financial position. Moreover, bot... Read more